Social Media Markeing

Various Social marketing that we optimize to full and dedicated services start from a marketing plan, building Ads, and distributing till analysis of the result and return.

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About our services

Social Media Marketing

Advertising services focus only on effectively targeting each social media market.

Or along with using all of them to help accelerate each other to be suitable for each business very well.

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The popular social media in Thailand is widely used by all genders and ages, reaching retail customers very well.

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Facebook / Instragram

Media relations for Facebook groups with many users and can also connect with popular Instagram user groups to showcase different products.

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Hot new media that can’t be missed. Create Reels to showcase your products in a slender manner. Easy and diverse access to customers Focus on trend groups

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The main media that can’t be missed, more than pictures, creates stories. Promote products and services as well as brand building

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How It Works

Reach your audiance

Build relationships and communicate closely with customers.

Promote the brand

Build awareness and promote your brand through creating interesting content.

Increase sharing

Promote content sharing Increase your chances of being seen.

Inspection and tracking

Easily analyze customer data and track market results.

Increasing sales

Promoting products and services can increase sales.

Building trust

Impressing your followers creates trust in the brand.

Market research

Monitoring and studying the market through information obtained from Social Media

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Build attention

Strengthen interest in products or services

Community building

Build communities of shared interests across Social Media platforms.

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Yasumin T.

Doing Integrated Social Media Marketing with NRVT is a revolutionary change! We have achieved impressive results in increasing brand power and spread on social media. The flexibility of NRVT ensures we choose the right partner!

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Sirakard W.

Integrated Social Media Marketing with NRVT is an amazing achievement! A team of professionals with a deep understanding of the market and our customers. Creating a global strategy and managing possible content on social media makes our business more interesting!

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