Full business information in single page


Easiest way to start website for Company / SME / Startup

Onepage is a single business web page containing various information. Separate each page carefully. Single page loads quickly and are database-efficient. This makes it cheap for most companies, this page includes all the company’s information through contact forms, and it can used to create company pages, and SME pages, and create a basic starting point on one page.

Onepage วันเพจ
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Comprehensive service

Notify about domain registration, send required information and images Set the format used at We have a management team. Ready to support and give additional advice in selecting interesting topics and descriptions. To attract the attention of visitors

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Free Template for salepage 100+ Template

We have over 100 designs to choose from. To meet the needs of every business, product and service

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Supports all marketing tools

Our team of professionals is ready to provide various tools as needed, whether it’s pushing pages or marketing with various social media. No social communication channels such as Facebook, Line, Tiktok, Instagram, etc.

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Complete result of services

Fully integrae with Social Media

Full service with minimum investment, ready single page for sales products/services

Full after-sales service with Ez CMS and call-center included

Support various standard SEO through social media such as Facebook, Line and Tiktok

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Frequently asked questions


What is Onepage?

Ready-made website service designed for small and medium-sized businesses (SME), provided for an annual fee. A web page looks like a single page that contains various information. separated on each page of the display screen by loading the page only once Makes it load fast and also economical to start with. Therefore making the page cheap You can also send company information. up to all contact forms

Who is Onepage suitable for?

Suitable for small and medium sized businesses starting with a website. Or want a website that is cheap and easy to use? The web page can support a variety of uses, such as company websites. SME organization websites, service websites, etc.

What features does OnePage have?

Main features include:

  • Ready-made website design that is modern and easy to use.
  • Supports entering various information separated on each page of the display screen
  • Loads quickly and is economical to start with.
  • Affordable price
  • Supports a variety of uses and supports every device
How to get started with OnePage

It’s easy to get started. Just apply for membership and choose the package you want. Then you can start creating web pages.

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Serves all industries

Supports various Businesses

There are more than 100 styles to choose from to support every business, product, and service, along with tools to customize your sales page to stand out, be different, and attract customers.

Freedom of Modification

Support independent adjustments

OnePage provides services with tools to adjust yourself freely. Additionally, edit products with a management system designed to be easy to use with the Ezi CMS system.

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